Course Details Appendix
The following appendices detail the field definitions for the Courses grid in the Curriculum Planner module:

The field definitions for the 16-19 (EFA) group in the Courses grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Accredited Hours |
The number of qualification/teaching hours. The total of accredited hours and unaccredited hours is used to derive the EFA B the EFA band and rate for EFA funding streams only. |
Unaccredited Hours |
The number of non-qualification/non-teaching hours. The total of accredited hours and unaccredited hours is used to select a banded rate for EFA funding streams only. |
EFA Notes | Any notes related to EFA. |
16-17 Studs | The number of EFA funded learners between the age of 16 and 17. |
18 Studs | The number of EFA funded learners aged 18. |
19-24 LLDD Studs | The number of learners between the ages of 19 to 24 with learning difficulties or disabilities. |
18+ Studs EFA | The number of learners aged 18 and above funded by SFA using EFA funding formula and rates Students 18+ (EFA Rate). |
EFA Studs | The total number of EFA learners. |

The field definitions for the 16-19 Funding (EFA) group in the Courses grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
16-17 | The amount of EFA funding attracted by EFA learners between the age of 16 and 17. |
18 | The amount of EFA funding attracted by EFA learners who are 18. |
19-24 LLDD Studs | The amount of EFA funding attracted by EFA learners between the ages of 19 to 24 with learning difficulties or disabilities. |
18+ (EFA Rate) | The number of learners aged 18 and above that are on a two-year programme or are continuing to be funded at the EFA rate. |
EFA Total | The total amount of EFA funding. |
NFR | The national funding rate per learner for the derived EFA band for learners between the age of 16 and 17. |

The field definitions for the Adult (SFA) group in the Courses grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
APL % |
The prior learning adjustment percentage of remaining funding available for the selected qualification aim. This is entered as a whole number between 0 and 99, and the value taken from the Funding Adjustment (RPL) for the associated learning aim. |
FF Enr | The number of fully funded SFA learners. |
CF Enr | The number of co-funded SFA learners. |
Ret % | The expected retention percentage for SFA learners this year for this course occurrence. A zero value in this field will cause there to be no SFA non-apprentice funding calculations. |
Pass Rate % | The expected achievement percentage for SFA learners this year for this course occurrence. A zero value in this field will cause there to be no SFA non-apprentice funding calculations. |
16-18 App Studs | The number of apprentices expected to attend between the ages of 16 to 18. |
19-23 App Studs | The number of apprentices expected to attend between the ages of 19 to 23. |
24+ App Studs | The number of apprentices expected to attend aged 24 and above. |
App Ret % | The expected retention percentage for SFA learners this year for this course occurrence. A zero value in this field will cause there to be no SFA apprentice funding calculations. |
App Pass Rate % | The expected achievement percentage for SFA learners this year for this course occurrence. A zero value in this field will cause there to be no SFA apprentice funding calculations. |
SFA Notes | Any notes related to SFA. |
Fwk | You can click the button in the Fwk column to display the Framework window, where you can select additional qualifications to include in the SFA funding calculations. |

The field definitions for the Adult Funding (SFA) group in the Courses grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
FF | The total for fully funded SFA learners. |
CF | The total for co-funded SFA learners. |
16-18 App | The total for apprentices between the ages of 16 to 18. |
19-23 App | The total for apprentices between the ages of 19 to 23. |
24+ App | The total for apprentices aged 24 and above. |
SFA Total | The total SFA funding that will be generated. |
Wgt Rate | The SFA qualification rate part of the SFA funding calculations. |
Wgt Rate App | The SFA qualification rate part of the SFA funding calculations for apprentices. |

The field definitions for the KPIs group in the Courses grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Total Income | The total amount of income that the course has generated based on the associated course incomes rather than SFA or EFA funding. |
Total Cost | The total amount of costs that the course has generated based on the associated course costs. |
Contribution Margin | The contribution margin is a calculated field to display the overheads of the plan based on the total income minus the total costs. |
Contribution Margin % | The percentage of the contribution margin difference at plan level. |

The field definitions for the New Apprenticeship group in the Courses grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
STD/FWK Band Upper Limit | The current rate for new apprenticeship frameworks/standards. |
Total Price (AVG Negotiated) | The negotiated rate for the apprenticeship as agreed with the employer. |
% Studs Non Levy | The percentage of learners who are not being funded by their employer's levy. |
16-18 App New STD/FWK Studs | The total for apprentices on an apprenticeship framework or standard between the ages of 16 to 18. |
19+ App New STD/FWK Studs | The total for apprentices on an apprenticeship framework or standard aged 19 and above. |
New Apps Studs Total | The total of new apprenticeship learners. |

The field definitions for the New Apprenticeship Income group in the Courses grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
16-18 (Non Levy) | The amount of income generated from non-levy apprentices between the ages of 16 to 18. |
16-18 (Levy) | The amount of income generated from levy-funded apprentices between the ages of 16 to 18. |
19+ (Non Levy) | The amount of income generated from non-levy apprentices aged 19 and above. |
19+ (Levy) | The amount of income generated from levy-funded apprentices aged 19 and above. |
Funding (Non Levy) | The total funding received from non-levy apprentices. |
Funding (Levy) | The total funding received from levy-funded apprentices. |
New Apps Total | The total income from apprenticeship delivery. |

The field definitions for the Other group in the Courses grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Adv Lrn Loans Studs | The number of loan funded learners expected to attend the course. |
Full Cost Enr | The number of learners who will be expected to pay full costs. |
HE Studs | The number of HE learners expected to attend the course. |
Notes | Any additional notes. |

The field definitions for the Other Income group in the Courses grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Adv Lrn Loans | The total value generated for advanced learner loans. |
Full Cost | The total value generated for full cost learners. |
HE | The total value generated for HE learners |
Other Total | The total value generated for advanced learner loans, full cost and HE learners. |